Page name: Anime Crazed [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-08-27 01:28:32
Last author: Greg Universe
Owner: Pandora♥xcore
# of watchers: 25
D20: 5
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Anime Crazed


Made by me [Pandora♥xcore]

Welcome to Anime Crazed! This is the ulitimate anime and manga wiki on Elfpack, where you can view anime, read manga, compete in contests, and just about anything else!

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, don't hesitate to message me! [Pandora♥xcore]

Just add yourself, no need to ask
Our Members:

1. [Pandora♥xcore] Owner and creator
2. [My Sky's The Limit] *flails arms* ANIME LOVER FOR LIFE!
4. [Blood Red Sandman] AS IF I COULND'T LOVE ANIME/MANGA!!!!!!!! IT THE BEST THING JAPAN HAS EVER CREATED, besides raman. Eating raman and watching/reading anime/manga....... that's the life....
5.[kyraawr] I love anime.
6.[Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses] anime and jrock junkie
7.[Knights Queen]whole room full of anime i love it
8.[Sieg Heil!!.PK] Lucky number 7. Go me. X3 Otakus shall rule the world.
9.[Amaranthine]- Anime is my way of life.
10.[---{Sir Bitch}---] I love anime. There's just no better way of saying it.
11.[Mataza_71191]*bows to a giant manga book*
12. [d o n e] I love Anime. <3333 :DD
13. [Link -- Hero in Green] I'll join. ;) I'm not a huge fan but Its okay.
14.[Wolf Star]- I just love it.
15.[comfyshoes]-can't and don't want to live without it!
16. [Jayr] when you grow up watching it, you get hooked
17. [Dreamdemon**] if it werent for anime id die of bordom.
18. [countdown] anime...wooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19. [ILY;;] I Am Not A Total Anime Freak *Shifty eyes* No Seriously *Sniggers* ANIME OMFG!!! AH!
20: [Kai - Chan] ...AnimeIsMyLife  How can my mum say its baby-ish? pfft. I'll love all anime until im dead! XD
22: [Kalisie Kilik] ANIME ROCKS!!
23: [*Selphie*] The art is cool.....
24: [Sonya Blue]
25: [(Kishu);] i was named after anime! so awesome!
26: [soo_almighty] yes, i'm addicted, but at least i aint hiding it *loves anime*
27: [Monster Master] I thought I joined! But, anywho.. I love anime!
28: [*Suicidal Cupcake*] - ZOMG, I remember the first anime I ever watched was Sailor Moon, I've loved it ever sinse. Even to the point of staying up all night to watch it. :P
29: [Greg Universe] Hetalia is awesome. Just sayin'. <3

So what's here on Anime Crazed?

Anime Crazed's Anime Page
Here you can view a growing list of anime!

Anime Crazed's Manga Page
Here you can view a growing list of manga! Please be patient, it will take time for me to scan and upload each volume.

Anime Crazed's FanFiction Page
Post all of your fan fiction here!

Anime Crazed's Cosplay Contest
Compete in a cosplay contest! Ends when I think when I think we have enough entries or if it drags on to long.

Anime Crazed's Art Contest
Art contest that happens every other month.

Anime Crazed's Anime Videos
Here you can post your anime videos or watch others!

Anime Crazed's Recipe Page
Use these recipes to try and make some of your own Japanese food!

Anime Crazed's Banners
Our club banners. Please add one to your page or wiki page to promote out club! Please feel free to add some as well.

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2007-03-20 [countdown]: *hugs [Pandora♥xcore] * well....i love you...if that helps any...mew

2007-03-20 [une histoire d'amour]: ^^ thiats cute ^^

2007-03-20 [Pandora♥xcore]: *hugs back* yes it does actually ^^ *kisses on the cheek*

2007-03-20 [une histoire d'amour]: LKFJLKWJOAIEJLAWKJDLKSD ^^ i wish i had someone like that >.>

2007-03-20 [Pandora♥xcore]: aww *hugs Cammies* i'm afraid of relationships anymore...

2007-03-20 [une histoire d'amour]: me too to be honest >.>

2007-03-20 [Pandora♥xcore]: i'm really heartbroken about this one was like two years...guess I should have seen it comming eventually...v.v

2007-03-20 [une histoire d'amour]: ... yeah i know your pain..

2007-03-20 [Pandora♥xcore]: yeah...but I think i's rather be heartbroken than breaking someone else's heart...which will probably happen soon enough...

2007-03-20 [une histoire d'amour]: i hate breaking hearts ~_~

2007-03-20 [Pandora♥xcore]: me hurts me more than anything...

2007-03-20 [une histoire d'amour]: eworitpweortsopidftpoisdfl;kasldf bell rang!!

2007-03-20 [Pandora♥xcore]: now i'm in Computer ear is hurting so much right now I want to cry and I never cry! ><

2007-03-20 [Blood Red Sandman]: computer art? how do you do that?

2007-03-20 [une histoire d'amour]: its like a photochop class... becky i know whats wrong with you.. youre turing into EBS!!!

2007-03-20 [countdown]: *hugs [Pandora♥xcore] tightly* If u ever need me just e-mail me...i love you *kisses on the forhead and more hugs*

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: *dies from the cuteness* ~_~

2007-03-21 [countdown]: *pokes [une histoire d'amour] with a stick* mew?

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: *twitches* a kitty where?!

2007-03-21 [countdown]: me ^^

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: YAY KITTY ^^ *huggles*

2007-03-21 [countdown]: *starts to purr alittle* hehe

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: .. *pulls out some cat nip* WANT SOME WEEEED?!?!?

2007-03-21 [countdown]: *shakes my head as a no* mew *takes some cheese and eats it then falls asleep*

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: .... *glares* i want cheese... *goes on a mission to get the cheese* ... *hums the james bond theme and dresses up as a ninja*

2007-03-21 [Dreamdemon**]: man that cats going to get constapated.

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: LMFAO! XD

2007-03-21 [countdown]: *goes with u and mews the james bond theme song and dresses up like a mouse*

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: *rolls down to the becky's refrigerator and steals some cheese* HAHAHAHA!! *sneaks out*

2007-03-21 [countdown]: *takes Becky's bread and microwave and leaves*

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: *giggles* alright! lets make grilled cheese! *puts hte bread and cheese in the microwave* ^^

2007-03-21 [Pandora♥xcore]: *flies in from nowhere* hey my stuff! *throws coco puffs at your heads*

2007-03-21 [Dreamdemon**]: *the breads going to get soggy* i like it crunchy

2007-03-21 [countdown]: YAY coco puffs!!!!

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: ... *eats them* ^^

2007-03-21 [countdown]: *grabs 3 bowls and some milk and has all of us eat some coco puffs*

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: -^^- *forces johnny to get me a cappuccino*

2007-03-21 [Pandora♥xcore]: yummy! ^^ *hopes she didn't get ones that hit Cammies*

2007-03-21 [countdown]: guess wat!

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: BECKY TT_TT what?

2007-03-21 [Pandora♥xcore]: *hugs* jk ^^ what?

2007-03-21 [countdown]: I'm getting a game off of Ebay....hopefully

2007-03-21 [Pandora♥xcore]: ooo lucky, I get stuff offline v.v

*is still playing the new Zelda game*

2007-03-21 [Dreamdemon**]: wishes they had a zelda game for ps2

2007-03-21 [Pandora♥xcore]: i'm suprised they don't

2007-03-21 [Dreamdemon**]: me too i rele love zelda games.

2007-03-21 [Pandora♥xcore]: omg me too I just finished the new game a week ago and started another game file, i'm like half way through already XD then when i'm done i'll do a third, it's an amazing game

2007-03-21 [Dreamdemon**]: yea and it is almost never the same.

2007-03-21 [countdown]: which Zelda game??? my favorite so far is Ocarina of Time

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: nuh uh the new one kicks OFT's ASS!!!

2007-03-21 [Blood Red Sandman]: i had the weirdest dream......

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: what was it of?

2007-03-21 [Blood Red Sandman]: well.... I was running down a dark hallway with haunted band clothes chasing me, then suddenly I fell down a hole and landed in Alice in Wonderland from Hell! Suddenly, I was being chased by giant bats with rotted human flesh for faces! Then suddenly Kosuke Asazuki, Edward Elric, and Roy Mustang came out from no-where and stole my Shiny! I chased them and found a temple dedicated to my shiny where people were having a toga party!

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: ..... TOGA! TOGA!!! TOGA!!! ^^

2007-03-21 [Blood Red Sandman]: and then my friend Emily stole my shiny!!! But I stole her Fuzzy and was happy. Then Kyo landed on me and turned into a cat, then got eated by Black Hayate and I shot him and was happy.

2007-03-21 [countdown]: dude...i never got to play the new one cause my brother's friend sold my gamecube when i was out of town. And i dont have the Wii so i dont have the full experience of the new one *tears*

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: oh its SO FUN!!!

2007-03-21 [countdown]: *goes to a corner and feels really left out*

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: dont worry ill drive oyu to beckys house and you can play her game..

2007-03-21 [countdown]: lol...i wish....OH WAIT!!!! I GOT IT!!!!! I CAN JUST GO OVER TO TONY'S HOUSE AND PLAY IT OR BORROW THE WII...but i dont have anything of any simular worth

2007-03-21 [une histoire d'amour]: .... give him a hug?

2007-03-22 [countdown]: *twitch and looks at the ground* mew....

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: wat?

2007-03-22 [countdown]: like thats ever gonna happen....I KNOW....maybe....just maybe.....i can see if i can spend the night this weekened and ASK him if i can play it...and beg

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: pay him!

2007-03-22 [countdown]: no money

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: ~_~... im sry...

2007-03-22 [countdown]: its okay....i know...i get paid this sunday!!! i cant take him to dairy queen and then beg him

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: *grins* sounds like a date to me

2007-03-22 [countdown]: no....its just my way of paying him back for all the other times he bought me blizzard of the month...and plus i REALLY wanna play Zelda ^^

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: i love blizzards...

2007-03-22 [countdown]: too...mew ^^...i want one now

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: im not hungry

2007-03-22 [countdown]: lol...i only had hashbrowns today...oh and a weird combo

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: *laughs* i had chicken nuggets with potatoes, and i went home and had a cheeseburger...

2007-03-22 [countdown]: ur lucky

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: why?

2007-03-22 [countdown]: cause...that sounds good

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: it was ^^

2007-03-22 [countdown]: so...did u see my myspace page?

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: no youre under tight security ~_~ add me!

2007-03-22 [countdown]: muahahhahah...u added me instead

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: i know.. i figured it out XD

2007-03-22 [countdown]: muahahahahahhhaa...*coughs* ugh...i hate being sick

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: im sry... ~_~ .... >.> RIIIIICOOOLAAAAAAAAAA ^___________^

2007-03-22 [countdown]: HAHAHHA...i didnt see that coming

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: you never see me coming.. im like whe wind baby!

2007-03-22 [countdown]: lol....*pats ur head* im downloding his and her circumstances and Saw 3

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: becky knows EVRERYTHING about kare kano

2007-03-22 [countdown]: REALLY?!?!?! cause i really wanna see it but its eally hard to get a hold of it

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: she has all the manga...

2007-03-22 [countdown]: noooooooooooooo....mew......i feel wonwey again

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: *hugs* its alright...

2007-03-22 [Elf_Person]: TT_TT

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: *hugs you too* ^^

2007-03-22 [Elf_Person]: i broked my car

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: OH NOES TT_TT

2007-03-22 [Elf_Person]: yeah

2007-03-22 [countdown]: but hey look at the bright side

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: which is?

2007-03-22 [Pandora♥xcore]: *hugs Scotty* me sorry you feel lonely v.v

and yes I have all Kare Kano, I loved it, i'm sad it over TT_TT and there's a person on Youtube i'm subscribed to that has some of it, but the manga is soo much better! would have been fun to have a Zelda game party with you >.>

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: ^^

2007-03-22 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol ^^

2007-03-22 [countdown]: it would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME TO HAVE A ZELDA PARTY pizza, ice cream, cake, and Zelda!!!

2007-03-22 [une histoire d'amour]: and becky...

2007-03-23 [countdown]: lol...and Becky too hehehe ^^

2007-03-23 [Pandora♥xcore]: of course! it wouldn't be a party without me there! XD jk jk >.>

I really don't like parties...

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: ... but.. homecoming.. and danielles...

2007-03-23 [countdown]: that remindes FORCED to go to homecoming

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: aww im sry ~_~

2007-03-23 [countdown]: its ex is making me go...or she said she'll hurt me

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: ... scary ~_~ im really sorry...

2007-03-23 [countdown]: lol its okay, it happens ^^

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: i don tlike exs... they scare me

2007-03-23 [countdown]: lol really?

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: *nods* i ahve a right to...

2007-03-23 [countdown]: how come?

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: ... *whispers* if you knew the guys i went out with... youd be scared too

2007-03-23 [countdown]: *whispers* you should tell me....cause i really wanna know

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: eh.... maybe later

2007-03-23 [countdown]: okay *pats ur head*

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: thanks ^^

2007-03-23 [countdown]: *poke* i wanna ask u something personal...but it will have to wait for later

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: eehhh okay

2007-03-23 [countdown]: mew

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: *Dances*

2007-03-23 [countdown]: *sniff* it feels like im about to sneeze

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: i hate when that happens! and when you actually go to sneeze notihng happens!

2007-03-23 [countdown]: well...with me i try to stop my sneezes

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: i dont i let them rip

2007-03-23 [countdown]: lol....well i sneeze loud

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: my dad does too omg!!!

2007-03-23 [countdown]: AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: hes like AAAAATTCHOOOOOOOOOOOOISJIAOUHDOUYAUHSIAJKDAJSN,,, *sniff* scuse meh

2007-03-23 [countdown]: lol....well i probably dont sneeze THAT loud

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: my dad does. XD

2007-03-23 [countdown]: well thats ur dad :p

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: he shakes the hose whe he sneezes its really scary...

2007-03-23 [countdown]: HAHAHAHAHA

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: becky knows >.>

2007-03-23 [countdown]: lol....does she get scared too

2007-03-23 [une histoire d'amour]: HELL YES!!! she jumped when he sneezed the other time!

2007-03-23 [countdown]: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: ... *feels like shit* now i might migrate upstairs again..

2007-03-24 [countdown]: awww *hugs and helps u up*

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: thakn you fwend ^^

2007-03-24 [countdown]: ur welcome hehehe

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: *sings*

2007-03-24 [countdown]: do u sing good?

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: not when im sick...

2007-03-24 [countdown]: lol...i can sound like Green Day, when my nose isnt stuffed

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: i sound like... um.. me >.>

2007-03-24 [countdown]: lol hahahahh

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: thats not funny

2007-03-24 [countdown]: im sorry *hugs and kisses on the cheek*

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: hey dont be sorry you didnt do anything...

2007-03-24 [countdown]: i feel bad though

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: for what?

2007-03-24 [countdown]: for laughin

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: dont wory about it ^^

2007-03-24 [countdown]: k....YAY

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: *sniffles*

2007-03-24 [countdown]: mew

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: feeling better?

2007-03-24 [countdown]: emotionally yes, physically no

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: sorry ~_~

2007-03-24 [countdown]: its happens to EVERYONE

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: my throat kills

2007-03-24 [countdown]: awwww *hugs u for awhile* i hope ull feel better soon

2007-03-24 [une histoire d'amour]: i will

2007-03-24 [countdown]: good

2007-03-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *hugs Cammies* you're sick too v.v I miss you at school here, there is no one here! .....though I won't be here the first few days after break >.>

2007-03-26 [Blood Red Sandman]: You ok????

2007-03-26 [une histoire d'amour]: its alright ^^ im just getting over my fever right now... ive had one for four days ~_~ stupid doctors... I HATE DOCTORS ><

2007-03-26 [Blood Red Sandman]: Doctors are the spawn of evil!!

2007-03-26 [une histoire d'amour]: I AGREE!!!

2007-03-26 [Blood Red Sandman]: Damn them and their needles of doom!

2007-03-26 [une histoire d'amour]: dont give a damn about their needles! i just hate them and their damned predictions!

2007-03-26 [countdown]: mew ^^

2007-03-26 [une histoire d'amour]: *growls and goes away*

2007-03-26 [countdown]: *hugs [une histoire d'amour] tightly* mew

2007-03-26 [Blood Red Sandman]: *Eye goes twitchy* Damn doctors............

2007-03-27 [Dreamdemon**]: hey thats not funny i'm going to be the person who sticks ppl with needles at blood drives.

2007-03-27 [une histoire d'amour]: *hugs back* ~_~

2007-03-27 [countdown]: if there is someone on this wiki that ISNT sick, id be surprised. and yes, even im sick :(

2007-03-27 [une histoire d'amour]: heehee -^^-

2007-03-27 [Dreamdemon**]: hehe im not but i never get sick i have an over active amune system.

2007-03-27 [une histoire d'amour]: lucky whore

2007-03-27 [countdown]: damn ur lucky


2007-03-27 [une histoire d'amour]: YAY ^^

2007-03-27 [Kalisie Kilik]: Holy crap...I take it ive been off for awhile??...

2007-03-27 [countdown]: lol....that sucked that u didnt have internet


2007-03-27 [Kalisie Kilik]: What the fuck....

2007-03-27 [Elf_Person]: ;p

2007-03-27 [Dreamdemon**]: its a song damn you must not like r&b or rap.

2007-03-27 [Kalisie Kilik]: I only like one rap song...XD

2007-03-27 [Dreamdemon**]: and which one is that?

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